请给那些承诺香港共识港协议并签字的core开发人员捎个信, Antpool希望他们及时提交2 MB硬分叉代码,及时意味着7 月前。作为自由人,他们有能力编写一些代码。
英文原文 from wu jihan
Please bring a message to those Core individuals who have signed on the HK agreement that Antpool wants them to timely propose the 2MB HF code they have promised in the HK conference. Timely means in July. As free individuals they have the capability to write some code.
Block should not be too full to stop people using Bitcoin with good user experience. Men should be of their words. That is a part of "foreseeable".
Don't feel too safe when you are acting so manipulative. After you got the benefit of killing competition in the past months, but when you need to deliver your promise, you call your promise as being blackmailed. When about signing the HK agreement, miners had prepared very well in minds what if you guys would not deliver the promise in July, which is more and more likely to happen. That's fine, we have the patience. However, are you guys prepared to bear the potential consequence of breaching the HK agreement?
补充内容 (2016-6-16 08:00):
reddit上,luke对此通牒的回复"Hardfork stuff is off-topic for the dev meetings", 翻译为"硬分叉不是core开发会议的话题了", core违背香港共识,感觉几乎已经是板上钉钉了 |